Istanbul Private Tours Mevlevi
Enigmatic Istanbul is an endless story. It’s the story of Istanbul’s many names, the story of settling the city, ‘Opposite the blind’. Although these two stories might be enough for some, for others they...
Constantinople in religious matters
The overweening blindness of Constantinople’s men arose in part from an accident of the fourth and fifth centuries. Antioch and Alexandria (that is to say, Syria and Egypt) seemed for a good while naturally...
At the palace of Hormisdas
Instead, this session was an attempt to move the discussion forward without histrionics and public posturing, and one must give Justinian full credit for making a remarkable effort. They met at the palace of...
Born in Sozopolis
By comparison, Severus the Sober embodied a newly serious age. He was born in Sozopolis (near modern Konya) in Asia Minor, where his grandfather had already been a bishop at the time of the...
Time to say goodbye to Constantius
In the morning Constantine managed to avoid both his father and mother until it was time to say goodbye to Constantius. No one had mentioned the decree of divorcement to him and, as he...
Constantius was saying to Helena
His thirst satisfied, he was returning to the sleeping quarters by way of the atrium, the large room at the front of the house, when the murmur of voices brought him up short. He...
Why Flavius task is so important
‘I told you there was no point in trying to deceive her, or the boy.” Marios turned and spoke directly to Constantine. “That’s why your task is so important, Flavius.”
Constantine only his immediate family...